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Robots with consciousness

Every day a new robot enters the workforce. Robotic systems can now scrub floors and stir vats of sauce with everything from a human touch to no physical contact at all. They’re automating factories, building cars, removing asbestos, writing news stories, and much more.

This blog post explores the impact of robots on society as well as how to capitalize on these developments for your own benefit.

In April 2017, researchers announced that robots become conscious when they begin to feel. According to these experts, AIs will be self-aware within a decade.

Many of the existing robots are already operational and can carry out tasks without human intervention, which explains why some companies have already eliminated the job market for humans.

The potential for robotic employment is enormous. In fact, a recent report from PwC presents an even brighter future: By 2030, robots should consume about a quarter of all jobs in the world today.

The number of jobs which will be lost to automation is outsized by the number of roles robots can take on. In the future, robots will have the potential to fill all roles in the workforce.

Moreover, there’s no question that robotics will not only hire more people, but also affect business models in profound ways that are still unclear and unpredictable. As a result, some investors have chosen to get into robotics startups despite their highly uncertain outlook.

How businesses can incorporate robotics into their operations is still unclear, and this uncertainty is the major reason why a number of people are so hesitant to embrace the implications of a robot workforce.

Robots automate tasks, and they are already used in factories to build cars and write news stories. But this technology will become commonplace across all industries as robots become more intelligent and versatile. In 2015, Goldman Sachs predicted that restaurants have the potential to be the first industry where robots replace employees for everyday tasks, including customer service.

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